Posted: Saturday, May 15th, 2021

What  extraordinary coverage of menopause in Ireland- 8 days on the national airwaves. Huge thanks  has to go Joe Duffy for enabling the conversation to occur. I have been advocating for the spotlight to be focused on this time in women’s lives for almost two years. The Women’s Health Task Force which met in February 2020 pre covid had chosen menopause as one of the key priorities for 2020/2021.However Covid changed everything. I was delighted to have been asked to contribute to the Live line conversation on the Wednesday. From working in the menopause space in both the UK and Ireland over this past year,  a  seismic shift is occurring,  there is an uncovering of decades and decades of silence around this phase of women’s lives. In the UK  Midlife Women are finding their voice, one could argue for the first time in history. Years of  shame, fear, denial, whisperings, the repercussions of which are all emerging on to the national airwaves. For change to occur this unfortunately has to happen. When we uncover we will be able to recover and move towards the truth, not continue feeding the myths or generational fiction.

The TRUTH is there is no shame in being a menopausal women today. We as women need to  embody this. Many celebs in the U.K. are joining in the menopause conversation, becoming advocates for change  Meg Mathews, Liz Earle, Lorraine Kelly, Carole Vorderman. We cannot be it unless we see it.

I argue and have witnessed that with the right support, education and understanding this can be one of the best times in women’s life.

Keep talking and reach out for help if you need it.

What women are saying

  • Now that I have the knowledge, language and confidence to speak openly about menopause, it changes everything

    Angie Co. Cork

  • I would recommend the Midlife Women Rock Cafe because it's a reliable, well-researched source for information on Menopause matters, but more importantly, understands it from the Women's perspective as it's women talking to women.

    MaryCareer in Transition, Co Meath

  • Breeda is a research-based intellectual talent on menopause and an engaging speaker. Starting conversations around a taboo subject is not easy, it takes a lot of courage.

    Brenda - Business Owner, Co. Waterford

  • If you want to get to understand and learn everything you need to know about menopause, Sign up for the empowering women menopause course. This 6-week course was life-changing for me.

    Niamh - Limerick

  • I highly recommend this 6-week course to any woman wanting to understand menopause and themselves. I personally found it brilliant. It gave me back my confidence in myself. I met a group of open-minded women. There is nowhere women can go to talk with other women about this time in our lives. I have learned not to let menopause define me. I always had thought of it negatively, would never have seen it as a time to open up to new possibilities and opportunities. Breeda covers everything you need to know over the 6 weeks.”


  • This programme has helped me become more relaxed and empowered around menopause. I have a great GP and am taking HRT. It’s the information sharing with a group of like-minded women that is very powerful at this time of my life. The course was shared by Breeda in a fun and light-hearted way which reduces any stress or anxiety that one may have. I now have a better understanding of myself with lots of strategies to manage symptoms and would highly recommend this course.”


  • I would highly recommend this 6-week course. I received so much support from Breeda and the group. It gave me the confidence to move forward. I learned about the physical, mental and spiritual changes that occur during menopause and it all made so much sense. My relationship with myself has grown and I understand so much more now. I feel positive and very optimistic about the future.


  • Attending this 6 week course was a hugely empowering experience. knowledge and education is certainly power. Meeting other women all in the same phase of life supporting one another was fantastic. I learned I have the power and strength to tackle, control and handle my menopause journey my way. I would hghly recommend this course so much. It has enabked me to move forward.


  • Before I met Breeda and started this course, I never had a serious conversation about menopause with anyone. I had very little knowledge about menopause. It is either an embarrassing or a comical subject for conversation. Attending the cafes and 6-week course has been life changing. I now know so much more about menopause and understand myself so much better. I have become more pro-active with my health and am looking forward to the next phase of my life. Every woman deserves this information.


  • Breeda has a great way of imparting information. I really enjoyed the 6-week programme and would highly recommend it to any woman who may be curious about what menopause is really all about.


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