Category: menopause matters

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We featured on the TG4 documentary in 2022

Davina McCall’s profile helped to catapult Menopause onto the global stage in 2021. The two  Channel 4 documentaries brought menopause out of the shadows and under the global spotlight for the first time in history. Her courage in fronting the programmes has to be admired. Tackling a taboo subject was not going to be easy […]

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World Menopause Day 2022

It was an absolute pleasure to present the first session of the day at Cork University Hospital’s Menopause Seminar for Staff on World Menopause day 2022. Cork University Hospital is the largest teaching hospital in Ireland. They are leading the way in providing in house education and understanding on menopause. Huge thanks to Ann Power […]

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Menopause conference celebrating menopause awareness month 2021

It was great to join a fantastic line up of expert speakers in the U.K.  on the 8th of October. As international menopause awareness day approaches on the 18th of October, menopause has become a hot topic this month as a result of increased media attention. Information and education transforms women’s experience of this phase […]

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Fabulous After 50-Challenging Cultural Stereotypes

It is wonderful to join Mary Waring  on her  week long series on tackling midlife  stereotypes and smashing the taboo around menopause. Women  really need to have more and more open conversations like these as knowledge is transformative. Mute women shame  and menopause have been synonymous for decades. It is only by speaking out, […]

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Women as storytellers.

I have been researching menopause since 2017. What is interesting to observe in this timeframe, has to be the exponential growth in media coverage and in particular women’s voices in this space. Change is certainly occurring, driven by a grassroot women led movement with the U.K.  leading the way globally. Historically, most of the research […]

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