It is wonderful to join Mary Waring on her week long series on tackling midlife stereotypes and smashing the taboo around menopause. Women really need to have more and more open conversations like these as knowledge is transformative.
Mute women shame and menopause have been synonymous for decades. It is only by speaking out, having more open conversations that real change can occur.
No preparation, No education and No widely available accessible information continues to fuel the crisis narrative. Putting structures in place to change this will change women’s experience of this transition. Governments and health departments need to be involved to ensure societal change occurs.
The fear, shame, denial and stigma can all be removed but we have to keep talking. There is power in numbers.
Sign up on the link above or check out the fabulous Mary Waring on LinkedIn should you require any further information.
#menopause #midlife women #change #leadership #stigma #womenshealth #women