Tag: women’s voices

List of articles from your choosen term

Cork Deaf Association-Women’s Group

  Ensuring menopause education is available to all communities is vital. The concept of educating  women and girls on menopause is completely new. Ireland and the UK  are leading this massive cultural and societal change. I was invited to address the Cork Deaf Association recently. Having ladies from their 20’s to the their 70’s provided […]

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The IMPACT of Opening conversations on Menopause

Over 600,000 women in Ireland are experiencing one of the stages of menopause today. Yet the SILENCE continues in certain areas  due to stigma and taboo. Educating women about this life stage is powerful. Talking openly sharing information helps to break the silence and increase confidence and agency. The monthly  Midlife Women Rock  cafes  in […]

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Midlife, menopause and mental health

  Midlife women and mental health is a subject that has  received little  coverage to date. It was wonderful to see the collaboration between St Patricks mental health services and the National Women’s Council last week. The women’s mental health network organised a hugely subscribed seminar on line discussing menopause, mental health and midlife. Dr […]

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A Menopause Story for a New Generation

I recently completed  a book on Midlife women and Menopause. It will be published over the coming months. Having researched menopause over the last three years I believe there is a need for a new story around this time in women’s lives. The old story has limited disempowered and disenfranchised menopausal women for decades. The […]

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Women as storytellers.

I have been researching menopause since 2017. What is interesting to observe in this timeframe, has to be the exponential growth in media coverage and in particular women’s voices in this space. Change is certainly occurring, driven by a grassroot women led movement with the U.K.  leading the way globally. Historically, most of the research […]

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Women, the Silent Heroes of this Global Pandemic

  https://breedaberm.medium.com/women-the-silent-heroes-of-this-global-pandemic-1060f5c1272d I meet women every week working on the frontline of this pandemic. Women are disproportionately impacted by covid19 particularly in this 3rd wave where childcare and education have not been prioritized. Something has to change! here is an extract from a blog I  wrote in February 2021. Women, the Silent Heroes of this […]

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