Women in their Menopause and Perimenopause years have remained silent for too long.
We are navigating unchartered waters by speaking out as previous generations were mute on this massively taboo topic.
This was echoed by a number of women attending a talk I gave in Dungarvan, Co. Waterford
recently to a wonderful group from the Deise Womens Shed.
It was great to be back in person talking all things Menopause.
The lack of education preparation and support for menopause is finally starting to be addressed. The opening of three menopause clinics funded by the government is to be welcomed.gov.ie – Department of Health
The Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly Stephen Donnelly – Houses of the Oireachtas – Dáil Éireann has listened to advocacy groups( including the Women’s Health Task Force which I have contributed to in 2020/21) and has recognised the importance of addressing this highly significant phase in women’s lives.
A nationwide awareness and education campaign is the next step to ensure all of society understand what Menopause is about.
I was joined on the night by Roisin Nic Chleirigh from Confident Women Ireland
Confident Women Ireland – Unlock Your Potential
Courage and confidence takes a natural dip during peri menopause for many. Women need to realise this is temporary! Investing in oneself to understand how perimenopause impacts us is transformative.
Pregnancy and maternal health supports were introduced in the 1980’s….
Providing menopause supports and education is the next natural progression that needs to be addressed in order that the whole of society and workplaces benefit…
A lot more work to be done….We have to keep talking.
A huge thank you to the organising committee who invited us to speak. It was wonderful to have such great interaction from the audience throughout the evening.