Tag: #midlifewomen

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Magnesium -The superhero supplement during menopause

I am often asked about supplements as many women use  supplements as part of their SOS toolkit during their Meno years. The first thing to say is that it is important to check with your doctor if you are on medication before starting to take any supplement —–to out rule any contraindication. Magnesium is one […]

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Fabulous After 50-Challenging Cultural Stereotypes

It is wonderful to join Mary Waring  https://marywaring.co.uk  on her  week long series on tackling midlife  stereotypes and smashing the taboo around menopause. Women  really need to have more and more open conversations like these as knowledge is transformative. Mute women shame  and menopause have been synonymous for decades. It is only by speaking out, […]

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