The theme of this years British Menopause Conference was Menopause for all.
There were many excellent presentations. Up to date research was shared over the two days covering many different aspects from early menopause to post menopause and beyond.
Professor Donal Brennan the National Clinical lead on cancer research in Ireland was one of the first speakers on day one. He highlighted the dearth in investment in menopause research globally.
Sleepio after cancer study:
The informative presentation involved discussion about menopause after cancer and the many different cancers that women face. Sleep disruption post cancer is a huge factor that he and his team encounter. He is involved in the Sleepio after cancer study at the Mater Hospital Dublin.
Professor Jack Gilbert gave a great presentation on menopause and the Microbiome while well known Harley street Dietician Nigel Denby’s talk on nutrition was very interesting. The feminist cardiologist Dr Angela Mass gave a superb talk on women’s heart health while Dr Pauline Maki ‘s presentation on cognition and menopause was excellent and thought provoking. So many great presentations also on Hormone replacement, including all ethnicities and race.
New Models of Menopause Care
I was interested on the NEW MODELS OF MENOPAUSE CARE presentation by Dr Katie Barber as it included references to gatherings or groups of women learning and understanding both about menopause and themselves as they move through their menopause years. It was great to meet Dr Paula Briggs chair of the British Menopause Society. As someone who cannot tolerate HRT,I was curious about Dr Claudine Domoney’s presentation on non-prescribed treatments -providing choice being the key message here. Interestingly midlife women are the largest consumers of alternative therapies/treatments
The motion for this years debate was
“This house believes that every woman should take transdermal HRT” .
Mr Tim Hillard for the motion and Dr Elizabeth Owen against.(Both Gynaecologists)
The motion was defeated.
It was a fantastically informative meeting. My friend Katharine and I were delighted to meet Professor Nick Panay someone who has been a magnificent advocate on menopause for many years.