Category: menopause mental health

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We featured on the TG4 documentary in 2022

Davina McCall’s profile helped to catapult Menopause onto the global stage in 2021. The two  Channel 4 documentaries brought menopause out of the shadows and under the global spotlight for the first time in history. Her courage in fronting the programmes has to be admired. Tackling a taboo subject was not going to be easy […]

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Talking Menopause

I love talking about perimenopause and menopause. One sheet Throughout covid we were all on zoom or Micro soft teams delivering webinars and talks. So lucky to have had these platforms. However, since the first of March it has been wonderful to be back delivering at  in person events. The energy in the room is […]

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Midlife, menopause and mental health

  Midlife women and mental health is a subject that has  received little  coverage to date. It was wonderful to see the collaboration between St Patricks mental health services and the National Women’s Council last week. The women’s mental health network organised a hugely subscribed seminar on line discussing menopause, mental health and midlife. Dr […]

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