Tag: midlife women rock project

List of articles from your choosen term

Women as storytellers.

I have been researching menopause since 2017. What is interesting to observe in this timeframe, has to be the exponential growth in media coverage and in particular women’s voices in this space. Change is certainly occurring, driven by a grassroot women led movement with the U.K.  leading the way globally. Historically, most of the research […]

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Menopause coaching

I love ❤️ what I do -coaching women. Assisting so many take back control of their lives, not only survive but thrive through their menopause years. Knowledge truly is power🌷. Having worked with women for years as a Midwife and Public health nurse I witnessed women facing challenges all of the time. With understanding and […]

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Menopause and hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

There are approximately 400,000 women in Ireland and 13 million women in the U.K. transitioning through menopause today and the truth is that no two women will experience the same symptoms or journey. You are unique, equip yourself with information and choose how you want to manage your menopause. Thankfully today no woman needs to […]

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Menopause and the Sea

In recent years Neuroscientists and marine biologists are increasingly becoming aware of  the benefits of the sea for our health and wellbeing. That feeling of peace and calmness that one feels from spending time at the beach is now being referred to as “blue space”. The combination of soothing smells and the sounds of water have […]

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